Website operator:
Schlossbräu mk | Hotels Ltd
Stahlgruber ring 43
81829 Munich
Telephone: +49 8723 97871-2200
Fax: +49 8723 9787-190
Residence: Munich
HRB 260154
Operator of the website mk | Apartments nin:
Malešnica 3
Zagreb | Croatia
Telephone: +49 8723 97871-2200
Fax: +49 8723 9787-190
MBS: 080763350
OIB: 44864117115
Represented by:
Vladimir Majcen
Please note:
For legal reasons it is necessary to provide an email address here. However, we ask you not to send any inquiries, reservations, etc. to Schlossbräu via this e-mail, as we cannot guarantee a timely and binding answer. For more information, please contact the telephone number listed under "Contact". Thanks very much!
Alternative dispute resolution according to § 36 VSBG: Our company is not willing and not obliged to participate in an arbitration procedure of a consumer arbitration board.
Copyright ©:
This website contains data (articles, photos, graphics and other files) that are subject to copyright. All rights reserved, also with regard to the duplication, duplication and distribution (also in part) of this data.
Image sources and licensing used:
In-house photography of mk | hotels GmbH, Shutterstock under license from mk | hotels GmbH, free media at licensing from Unsplash.
Design and digital performance by FORMAT NULL